Wednesday, December 2, 2009

La Vie En Rose

So I need to put this down before I forget. It's late and I'm listening to Edith Piaf's La Vie En Rose. I know it's cliched and sentimental but really, there is something in that voice of hers. Even though I know this is suppose to be about how love colors your life and all that you see, I want to think that every and all emotions do that. Love being the most potent and strongest of the emotions to color your life, of course it would lift you off your feet, sweet you into skies of pink (Ah *sigh*) but not all of us are lucky to be so in love that our lives are colored by that warmth. Then what colors your vision and turns all you see into something beyond itself, transforming the everyday into something magical and full of meaning?

Lately I've been really taken by DC. Normally I was a straight up Bawlmore girl, finding the beauty in the worn out and slightly shabby red brick of the city but lately... I don't know, something just clicked in me and DC became a beautiful place. I'm talking beyond the classical structures of the Mall and federal buildings that litter the area. There is something decaying about the city, so full of history that my vision is shaded by the lives that had once been. When you see a building with a plaque that reads 1767, that means something. When you touch it, it becomes it's own entity and you can imagine the lives that had wandered in out of that house for all those many centuries. How could you not revel in the beauty? In the golden light of a falling sunset, which turns the buildings and people in the Georgetown area into something extraordinary and magical.

Could you fall in love with a city? I think so. It happens all the time, the light hits at a perfect angle, the music and people all coalesce in your heart to something more real then what it actually it is. Meaning giving breath to what your eyes have processed. Thinking of the city and wandering its streets, ah that is la vie en rose. Mesmerized by the magic spell cast on me by the interplay of light and history, I'll always be enraptured. Love can wait, I have a city to explore.

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